🌟 Day 3: A Taste of Adventure & Giving Back to the Community

Last night's sleep was enhanced with torrential downpours and we awoke this morning to a beautiful overcast morning. Thank goodness all of the kids were well-rested because we had a FULL day packed with adventure and community service. Using the funds raised by many of your children and our group's carwash, we were able to transform the recess yard at the local elementary school. Students worked on painting the fence, the soccer net frames, the basketball backboards, powerwashing the court, planting trees on the perimeter and digging a drainage ditch to prevent flooding during heavy rains. Throughout the day, our group cycled through canyoneering - a mix of hiking and rappelling down three waterfalls in the middle of the rainforest. Everyone showed immense levels of bravery and support for their fellow travelers as many conquered their fear of heights and the unknown! 

Based on the weather conditions these last few days, there has been a slight change to the itinerary. While we are not able to raft the Pacuare River due to high water levels tomorrow, we will be rafting on another nearby river, the Pejibaye. As a result, we will be staying an extra night at the homestay before entering the Pacuare EcoLodge by car the following day. Pura Vida! 


  1. These photos are fantastic and the trip looks sooo amazing with so many awesome experiences! WE cannot thank you enough for providing this wonderful opportunity to our kids! Enjoy the culture of Costa Rica, we can't wait to hear your impressions!!

  2. Love seeing all the smiles. Looks like everyone is having an amazing time. Can’t wait to hear about your adventures on Monday.

  3. Thank you for these photos - I just can't say it enough ... what an amazing adventure they are all having!! Thank you!!


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