
🌟 Last Day!

There are MANY photos and stories from yesterday that will be shared in the group album but wanted to pass along this awesome group photo as we depart for the airport! PURA VIDA! 

🌟 Day 6 Recap & Start to Day 7

Buenos dias! We are officially back on the grid and getting ready to depart for our final full day of activities here in Costa Rica. The day before yesterday we arrived at the Pacuare EcoLodge and began our 36 hour adventure in the middle of the rainforest. Students were able to zipline, do the Tarzan swing, and hike to a nearby waterfall to swim before winding down to play cards and other games by candlelight.  After eating some breakfast with this view (see below!) of the Arenal Volcano, we are setting off to zipline and have lunch and tour a local sustainable farm. Later this afternoon, students will have some free time to souvenir shop and visit downtown La Fortuna. 

🌟 Day 5: Post-Fiesta & Entering Pacuare Outdoor Center (EcoLodge)

We danced the night away after watching some traditional Costa Rican dances and now we are heading to the Pacuare Outdoor Center on the riverbed of the Pacuare River. There is no electricity and very little service at the EcoLodge so you may not see a blog post until tomorrow night when we reach out final destination in La Fortuna, CR. Don't worry! Your kids will be immersed in nature, playing games by candlelight and sleeping in screened-in cabins.... & being in the moment of course! For the Roth Family, this is one of our favorite places to stay because of how truly unique the location and accommodations are. We appreciate your patience! Pura Vida!  

🌟 Day 4: Rafting & Fiesta Time

Today, the travelers buckled up their life jackets, strapped on their helmets, and grabbed a paddle to take the Pejibaye River by storm! We are heading to the fiesta shortly, but wanted to pass along some snapshots of today! Pura Vida! 

🌟 Day 3: A Taste of Adventure & Giving Back to the Community

Last night's sleep was enhanced with torrential downpours and we awoke this morning to a beautiful overcast morning. Thank goodness all of the kids were well-rested because we had a FULL day packed with adventure and community service. Using the funds raised by many of your children and our group's carwash, we were able to transform the recess yard at the local elementary school. Students worked on painting the fence, the soccer net frames, the basketball backboards, powerwashing the court, planting trees on the perimeter and digging a drainage ditch to prevent flooding during heavy rains. Throughout the day, our group cycled through canyoneering - a mix of hiking and rappelling down three waterfalls in the middle of the rainforest. Everyone showed immense levels of bravery and support for their fellow travelers as many conquered their fear of heights and the unknown!  Based on the weather conditions these last few days, there has been a slight change to the itinerary. While w